Bone Marrow Transplant & Clinical Haematology :

a) Extra corporal photopheresis

Regional partner for PIT Medical Systems, GermanyIn India. PIT Medical system with it’s UVA PIT system is one of the world’s largest manufacturer of ECP (Extra corporal photopheresis)

Product Info

UVA PIT System®

A product that grows and develops with the requirements of customers and regulations. The UVA PIT System® is an automated system which provides 2-Step Photopheresis Treatment with high effective irradiation of the buffy coat and is the solution for contemporary UVA applications without limitations to volume and haematocrit.

The system ensures that the required UVA energy is effectively and evenly distributed over the concentrated cell suspension. Moreover, the cells are continuously moved and recirculated in order to ensure the best activation.

The UVA PIT System® provides an effective, consistent and homogeneous irradiation of all present cells

The Advantages

Standardized outcome independent from the initial parameters.

  • User friendly and comprehensible technique
  • Fast and easy to prepare and operate
  • Short processing time
  • Allows the use of all available cell separators → any collection system can be used for collecting the buffy coat
  • Sensor that monitors the constant flow of the cells in the tubing system
  • Internal UVA sensor for continuous measurement of emitted irradiation and for accurate energy delivery → guarantee for efficient and reproducible results
  • Temperature sensors for safety control
  • Safe and easy access to the irradiation chamber
  • Irradiation circuit with large surface expression that allows homogeneous and efficient UVA irradiation
  • Recirculation pump with cell protection technology that reduces stress to the cells
  • Cooling system with high capacity and online temperature measurement to keep the temperature within the parameters
  • Control unit for easy data insert (volume and haematocrit) → volume and haematocrit parameter input for individual customization
  • Interactive touchscreen display that shows the various procedure phases and essential parameters (like remaining energy to be delivered (in Joule) or internal chamber temperature (in °C), etc.) and enables easy setting
  • Acoustic and visible alarms for adequate operator interaction
  • Easy and fast KIT loading
  • Allows fast treatments for more patient comfort
  • Compact and flexible
  • Optional database for treatment parameter recording
  • Power: 230 V; 50/60 Hz; 2A
  • Weight: 21 kg
  • Dimensions: 64 cm x 30 cm x 23 cm Made in Germany


The UVA PIT KIT is a unique disposable single use tubing set necessary for performing the treatment of Photo Immune Therapy / 2-Step Photopheresis with the UVA PIT System:

  • UVA transparent photo activation serpentine pathway unit designed to have a high surface expression for homogeneous UVA energy penetration.
  • Materials in direct or incidental contact with blood are tested for biocompatibility and are latex free and DHP free.
  • Prepared for the latest requirements of extracorporeal blood handling and equipped with bacteria filters and other safety features.
  • Reservoir bag designed to mix blood components, saline and drug and provided with bar code reader tag → allows easy traceability of the product.
  • Serpentine blood pathway with constant blood film and integrated cell rotation ability for homogeneous treatments.
  • Ensures consistency of leukocyte UVA exposure with continuous recirculation.
  • Carefully engineered to guarantee an optimal fluid management.
  • The UVA PIT KITs are exclusively manufactured by PIT Medical Systems GmbH and can solely be ordered from us.

b) Apheresis System

The Spectra Optia system, Terumo BCT is an industry-leading therapeutic apheresis, cell processing and cell collection platform that allows operators to spend more time focusing on patient care. This advanced system uses continuous-flow centrifugation and optical detection technology, providing operators the ability to perform a wide variety of apheresis procedures on a single platform.

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